20 comment(s) for "Friday's French - amener, emmener, apporter":

  1. brigitte

    “”Vous nous avez apporté le beau temps” est une expression populaire souvent dite par les français, c’est du language courant.
    ” j’amenerais ma cousine avec moi ” se dit en Bretagne comme directement traduit du breton, mais ce n’est pas du bon français, on doit dire : j’emmenerais ma cousine avec moi ou je viendrais avec ma cousine.

  2. I don’t have much trouble with apporter, but I always confuse amener and emmener. Luckily with my accent, no one can tell the difference. 😉

  3. Jacqueline

    Thank you for doing this. I am going to send this to the members of my class and will give you their feedback (they’re adults0.
    You took a hard grammatical point to differentiate and did a great job in my opinion!

  4. Flocon

    The différence between “amener” et “emmener” is quite simple :

    Amener : To Bring in (bring your friend in, it’s a long time I haven’t seen her)
    Emmener : To Take away (take that dog away, it needs walking)

    Now the pronounciations are so close I understand it is very undiscernable for non native French speakers.

  5. Jacqueline

    So far the feedback has been positive. They all are similar to this one I got from one of the women in the class:

    Merci Jacqueline!

    C’est une très bonne explication et je comprends beaucoup mieux!

    A demain,

  6. Hmmm… there are two issues here :


    If I remember correctly, amener refers to persons or pets (a’men’er is constructed from “la main”) and apporter to objects (objects have no hands, they’re being carried).

    Many native French speakers simply ignore their own language and couldn’t tell the difference mais malgré tout, dans la langue parlée courante, personne ne dira : je t’apporte à la gare mais bien je t’emmène à la gare (unless you’re dealing with a very, very retarded peasant).

    Ou : N’oublie pas d’apporter le vin et non : N’oublie pas d’amener le vin (mais là la faute est souvent faite, c’est vrai).

    See here.

    Mais si vous en êtes à ce niveau de précision c’est que votre français est déjà most excellent indeed!

  7. Or there if you really insist… 😉

  8. J.P.

    thank you for your excellent posts. I am an american practicing my french. They are superbly helpful!

  9. Lanny Ripple

    An old post but excellent one. Along with https://www.frenchtoday.com/blog/amener-emmener-apporter-emporter-remporter-bring-take-french I think I have a grasp on it now.

    As for the bus and amener/emmener I would argue

    * Ce bus vous emmènera jusqu’à la Tour Eiffel.

    Tour guide talking. The bus is right there. It’s taking you with it from the (conceptual) start of it’s journey.

    * Ce bus vous amène à la gare.

    This bus (we’ll call it number 9) will get you to the station if you take it. It runs a normal route and will pick you up, bring you to the station, and then carry on.

    That’s how I’m going to try to remember it all anyway. Thanks for a great post.

  10. eric
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