10 comment(s) for "Weekly Blogger Round-Up - the Liebster Bloggers Award":

  1. Good answers!

    Sometimes happenstance plays a part… I remember posting pics from the grounds of one of our museums here, and a month or so later, a relative of the person who put the sculptures up commented on it.

  2. Thanks for nominating me Rosemary; here’s the link to my reply http://www.loumessugo.com/en/blog/entry/liebster-award

  3. You are such a worthy recipient, we wanted a lot of people to read your posts. Thanks for participating and accepting the Liebster award. Paula

  4. Thanks so vert much for the nomination – it’s very kind of you!!! I have been nominated twice so I am thinking of a way to incorporate them both and will so a post after my summer vacation xx

  5. […] Anyway, in answer to Rosemary’s questions… […]

  6. […] Weekly Blogger Round-Up – the Liebster Bloggers Award […]

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