13 comment(s) for "Photos of the Week - Dresden":

  1. Lady Godiva needs her horse!

    A beautiful city.

  2. A surprising compilation of the city of Dresden. Amazing architecture [ rebuilt?] and ‘blow me down’ fancy stumbling on ‘Ayers Rock’!

  3. Lorri

    I was just there in May. Interestingly, my guide book refers to the “Parade of Princes” what you call the “Procession of Nobles.” Funny, eh?

    We hopped on a tram for a short distance only to be in the midst of a hail storm when we got off with no where to go. We were in the “New Town” and got totally drenched in a matter of moments, with no umbrella and no real place to get out of the rain and hail except for under a tree. Not exactly a good plan with thunder and lightning! 🙂

    We did meet a lovely young man (1/2 French, 1/2 British) that was working in the TI in the train station. He saw us on a tram later in the day and showed us around the New Town. Delightful.

    You can friend me on FB and see my Dresden photos. No dressing down in mine though. LOL

  4. Looks like the holiday is livening up!

  5. […] ← Photos of the Week – Dresden […]

  6. […] moment – so we have breakfast, pack up and cross the bridge to Neustadt or New Town as opposed to Altstadt or Old Town where we’re been staying. On the way, we see a wonderful trompe l’œil building. […]

  7. I was lucky to have great weather on both my trips to Dresden which I think makes all the difference. If you don’t mind me sharing, here’s some sunnier pics of the city. http://www.rearviewmirror.tv/dresden-the-most-beautiful-city-in-germany/

  8. It’s so frustrating when you visit somewhere in flat dull light (cue nearly all our time in Iceland!) but even in the rain it’s easy to see that Dresden is an amazing place. It’s on my wish list for sure, and even more having seen some of the wackier sides of it…tahnks for sharing these fun photos.

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