10 comment(s) for "Friday’s French – cote, côte, coteau":

  1. Boy, has my French gotten rusty….

  2. Stuart

    Isn’t “littoral” the word for coastline ? As usual, I enjoyed this lesson in French very much!

  3. Chump chops.

    A really useful post, clarifying a couple of things for me.

  4. Thanks for the French lesson, they are always helpful. The words I confuse are côte and côté – since côté is side and ribs and flanks are sort of on the sides of the body…

  5. […] last week’s Friday’s French, I talked about côte meaning coast (among other things). A reader said he thought that littoral […]

  6. […] Friday’s French – cote, côte, coteau (blog post) […]

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