10 comment(s) for "A Marvellous Monastery in Belem, Lisbon":

  1. Anna Grigorova

    What a special day Rosemary,I am happy for you! You look great,smiling in the sun! Thank you,you remind me of this absolutely Magnificent Monastery and I’l check my photos of details.

    Warmest regards from Plovdiv, selected to be the European Capital of Culture 2019,

  2. You’re making me want to pay a visit to Lisbon!

  3. Catherine

    I have found your blog through http://frugalfirstclasstravel.com/ and can’t wait to start reading … I’m planning a trip to France in 2015…so always love tips and recommendations.

  4. sillygirl

    When we visited the Monument of Discoveries a few years ago someone in our tour group noticed there was just one woman depicted among all those men. I said it took all those men to equal one woman!

  5. […] ← A Marvellous Monastery in Belem, Lisbon […]

  6. These pictures are amazing!

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