12 comment(s) for "Lisbon - an iconic tram, a hilltop castle, La Fontaine's fables and a sublime view":

  1. The description of the art work might have lost something in translation, but knowing visual artists’ verbal skills, I doubt it. I interpret the gobbledegook as meaning something like the artist was demonstrating how people simultaneously and habitually both beautify and trash places. The artificial flowers make a striking photo anyway.

    I love the tram adventure and how everyone got involved. Makes you feel almost like a local that sort of thing!

  2. Carina

    We lived in Portugal back in 1997 and made a few trips to Lisbon – I too remember at the time being taken back by how run down it was. Beautiful but run down. All made up for though by the lovely, warm people. Seems like you had quite the adventure on the tram.

  3. Beautiful shots, though… particularly that one with the statue.

  4. Lisbon looks and sounds fascinating, Rosemary. I particularly like your story about the passengers physically lifting the car out of the tram’s way. I’ve seen so many situations in Europe where I thought that would be the only way a bus (or tram) could get past, but so far I haven’t witnessed it myself. Maybe I’d better go to Lisbon!

    Thanks also for reminding me of the word ‘conflab’ – I haven’t heard that in years 🙂

  5. Beautiful photos, as always! I love the ones you took of the views of Lisbon. Sounds like you had a lovely time there with a local experience of rescuing a stuck tram!

  6. I took a beautiful tour through Lisbon reading your post, Rosemary. What an interesting and picturesque place. It’s sad to hear they have dilapidated and neglected areas in a beautiful city like this. I would have enjoyed the outdoor cinema too if I could understand the language. Very nice pictures, it seems the weather was on your side.

  7. […] has done a splendid job but we are both exhausted! The tiles on the left of the window are the 18th century tiles we bought in Portugal last […]

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