8 comment(s) for "Weekly Blogger Round-Up: Fête des vendanges on the French Riviera - October events in France - Alba Iulia in Romania":

  1. We picked up the Nuit Blanche tradition here as well.

  2. butcherbird86

    I will have to keep in mind these October events for next year when I just might be in France. I have participated a few tmes at some foodie months in Australia and have been to Sydney in October where the more fancy restaurants put on a set menu at a reduced price – and it includes a glass of wine to go with the meal!

  3. Hi Rosemary, thanks for including my post in this week’s roundup, and great to read about other upcoming events in the Good Life France as well as some beautiful photos of Romania, a country I’d love to visit 🙂

  4. I can’t wait to go back to Romania next year. There’s so much to see. I might spend a month and get to know it really well. Alba Iulia is on my list for sure!

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