12 comment(s) for "Forbidden Mushrooms":

  1. He sounds like he was a grump.

  2. I had no idea JM was so devious 🙂

    I’ve had a similar experience and got told off for walking on someone’s private property because I would be disturbing the game. No signs, and I wasn’t even foraging for mushrooms (although I was holding a clipboard because I was recording butterflies).

    On the other hand, we had a completely opposite experience on Saturday, when we ran into a famously reclusive local landowner (who was carrying a billhook at the time…) and he was utterly charming.

  3. When I saw the mushrooms in Blois Daily Photo I never imagined that their collection was anything less than a pleasant walk in the woods. What a sad little man.

  4. butcherbird

    I wish I had been there for your ‘confrontation’ – and of course I’d loved to have seen you both hiding mushrooms and carrying-on like school kids. Good one Rosemary!

  5. […] I can’t do without it – but travelling is my greatest love, followed by cycling in summer, mushroom picking in autumn, wine-tasting, trying new foods, meeting new […]

  6. […] As you know we are keen mushroom pickers. The proximity of a State forest was even one of our criteria when we started looking for an area to retire to. Blois stood out because it is surrounded by forests in which we have the right to go mushroom gathering, unlike Sologne where you can be chased out of the woods. […]

  7. Thank you for sharing and spreading awareness! I hope that this magical plant would not be abused and misused. Everything, if used properly and moderately proves to be beneficial. I hope this could be the future treatment of a lot of diseases. It has endless capabilities!

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