8 comment(s) for "Friday's French - marmelade, confiture & jam":

  1. You could also have mentioned that in American English jam/confiture is jelly, and jelly is a gelatine dessert in British English, which is called by the brand name jello in American English. Proper Portuguese marmelado is called quince cheese or quince paste in British English. It is really delicious and you have reminded me I have a box of quince puree in the freezer which I must make up into marmelado.

    I agree about the unaccountable popularity of apricot or strawberry jam. Our neighbour only eats apricot. And why would anyone bother with strawberry jam when they can get raspberry is the question I ask myself.

  2. mm

    hope the move has progressed well……did you know[ in uk] that there is a law about the quanity/ratio of sugar to fruit in jams and that ‘jams’ that have a much higher ratio of fruit; always best, are usually called ‘preserves’

  3. I don’t recall if I’ve ever had apricots, let alone apricot jam.

    I prefer cherry, blueberry, or raspberry jams.

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