14 comment(s) for "Thank Goodness for Friends and Neighbours":

  1. You’re absolutely right, Rosemary. Adjustment to retirement isn’t just something that happens, but rather something which needs to be prepared for and adjusted to. I’ve found the process very difficult. This said I haven’t once doubted that my decision to take early retirement was the right one. Maybe in your case the house move away from busy Paris has also had an effect, although I believe that you aren’t fully retired but Jean Michel is.

    Looks like you have established the basis of ‘life in the great beyond’!

    Joyeux Noel.

  2. The weather in Lore Valley can be pretty gloomy at times. I experienced that first hand last time I was there. If at least it would be snow… Let’s hope the joy of Christmas would replace the joy of sun. At least you are in good company. Have a Merry Christmas, Rosemary and may the new year bring you joy and prosperity to you and Jean Michel.

  3. We have much the same problem. We are not retired, but we don’t have clients over the winter, so have to make sure we book time with friends to stay cheerful and motivated. We’ve got stuff to do, but the weather is so uninspiring.

  4. The grey skies this time of year can be trying. It’s another day like that here today.

  5. This finds me in Perth, WA, to celebrate Christmas with my son who moved here in February. 39c when we arrived Friday but the following day settled into the late 20’s with amazing crystal clear sunny skies. I’ll try to send some sunshine and warmth your
    way. I must admit though, that I am loving reading about your Christmas experiences.

  6. Adjusting to togetherness. I never imagined that was a thing but it makes sense now that you mention it. I’m sure you’ll both get into a groove soon enough but it sounds like you’re finding plenty of fun things to keep you occupied in the meantime.

    I hope you have a great Christmas and New Year! xx

  7. All major changes require a time of adjustment, and moving and retirement are two of the biggies. It may be cloudy and dull now, but remember, in just a few months the sun will reappear and there will be all sorts of activities in your lovely part of France.

    It may take a little time for your husband to find things to fill his time at first, but I’m sure you’ll both adapt.

    Best wishes for a very happy holiday.

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