7 comment(s) for "Friday’s French – Retraite, retrait, pension":

  1. I can empathise with Jean Michel. I feel/felt exactly the same, although things are getting better. I don’t for a minute think that my decision to take early retirement wasn’t anything but the right decision, but it guess I wasn’t able to replace my work with a retirement activity which was ‘equivalent’, in that it still required mental challenge, but different. It does get easier.

    Bon courage to you both.

  2. Superb post, Rosemary — so interesting and well-explained. Love your Friday French!

    Cheers and bonne retraite.

  3. Gara in Sydney

    Interesting explanation, thanks Rosemary. Now I wonder why a certain type of accommodation I have used in France is called a ‘pension’, must look up the origin.

    Re JM – I have found men have more trouble adjusting to retirement than women, who in the main seem more resourceful. During the years of ‘going to work’ one has a defined role, and when that has gone it’s normal to flounder somewhat. I certainly missed the daily social contact with my colleagues. Also, moving to a different city probably affects the situation – it’s a whole new daily life to adjust to. Good luck!

  4. I imagine it’ll take time to adjust. Some sort of mental exercise, something to keep himself occupied and challenged, can help.

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