20 comment(s) for "Our First Neighbours' Day Party":

  1. Judi

    So pleased your party went well. I enjoy reading all your posts – I live in Tasmania, but would love to one day be able to share my time between Tassie and the south of France. What a blessed life that would be!

  2. Oh you poor thing. So relieved that you did finally manage to join in. Fantastic that so many arrived and have now extended their friendship group. The initiative should spread to Aus.

  3. I really should do a Fêtes des Voisins and as younger son’s birthday is the day after thre is really no excuse not to throw a party. Next year then …. #AllABoutFrance

  4. The Fete des voisins is such a good idea. I didn’t realise the history behind it so thank you for that. The streets up by the chateau in Preuilly have a fete des voisins, but we are not included as we are too far away 🙁

    I’m so glad yours was a success, and so sorry you were ill on the day. I really like the way you worded the last sentence in your invitation. I’m going to steal it for next time we have a summer barn party. I don’t know when we are going to fit this year’s summer party in — sometime in July with luck, so I hope you and JM can come.

  5. How lovely, Rosemary. I’ve seen a few posters in neighbourhoods around Nice but sadly our street did nothing. Hopefully next year 🙂 Hope you’re feeling better too. Chrissie

  6. Well done for setting it all up and attending while not feeling well! I enjoy our fete which is held later. Great way to become part of the community.

  7. Thanks for the lovely dedication Rosemary, I feel very happy that my post years ago inspired you in a little way to get you very own fête going. I’m so pleased it was such a success, but what a terrible shame you weren’t 100% well for it. Luckily you managed to get to it and enjoy it a bit after all your hard work and expectations. This year we had a band at ours, provided by the Mairie, all the way from Monaco. It was great fun and I should write it up. Thanks for linking to #AllAboutFrance

  8. William Kendall

    Even ill as you were, it sounds like it went well.

  9. Amazing! We went to one of these in our neighborhood last year, and it was so much fun! Way to take the initiative to make it happen!

  10. I first heard about these neighbors day parties a few months ago via #AllAboutFrance and I think it’s a fabulous idea. Enjoyed reading about your 1st party and the interactions with your neighbors. I like what you said about “…when you hold a party, even if only one person comes, then it’s worth it because that person wants to be there !” Good point!

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