8 comment(s) for "A Peaceful Walk in Les Grouets":

  1. What beautiful shots!

    There’s nothing like nature to sooth hurts like that.

  2. Sounds like a really nice walk. I’ve been careful not to watch the telly or videos too, but I’ve read a lot of newspaper reports analysing the situation. It does help to feel informed (although some of that is positive feedback of my own already held opinions of course). Being outside and working in the garden or walking in nature is a great way to put cares aside and unwind though.

  3. Kathy

    Beautiful photos, Rosemary. I look forward to our next work around your gorgeous neighbourhood.

    I was torn between watching the television, checking on friends safety and communication for a gathering as a sign of solidarity. I suffered horrendous nightmares which I have never had before. For me it wasn’t something just happening on the other side of the world (although I live in Australia) it was happening to humanity and was even more difficult as I feel as though my heart is in France.

    Is it ‘commute’ with nature? Or ‘commune’ with nature ? ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Lesley

    How much detail we miss by driving. There is so much ‘out there’ if only we took the time to look.

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