10 comment(s) for "Friday’s French – Va te faire cuire un œuf ! and other eggy expressions":

  1. I think you’ve covered the expressions I’m familiar with!

  2. Elisabeth Rodes

    “Être plein comme un œuf” peut signifier être rempli ( une salle par exemple) ou être ivre.

  3. When someone starts with “vas te faire” something, you know you’re in trouble, regardless of what ends the phrase.
    To say someone is tough, or hard-boiled, you actually say “il est cuit dur, ce mec.”

  4. Il est à peine sorti de l’œuf would be ‘he’s green’ or ‘he’s wet behind the ears’ in English I assume.

    Speaking of eggs I’ve just made a pavlova for Bernard’s party (the one you brought some wine back for).

  5. Lesley

    My school French 50yrs ago told me that ‘va t’en’ was not very polite, I wonder if the addition of extra words to va te ….. faire cuir un oeuf might be like saying Oh Christmas or Sugar rather than the more offensive Oh Christ or Sh*t ?

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