8 comment(s) for "Cycling in Italy #3 – Crema to Soncino : Never again!":

  1. Problematic, in terms of things going amiss, but the churches in Soncino certainly appeal to me.

  2. What a mixed bag of a day! But you saw some interesting things and there were some great buildings along the way. I like the look of the castello at Soncino especially.

  3. Such a different story to last years cycling holiday. The temperature doesn’t sound at all pleasant. Enjoy Austria.

  4. […] our disappointing cycling experience in the Po Valley in Italy, where we were based in Crema for two nights, ,Jean Michel suggests we go […]

  5. […] As soon as we are out in the countryside, we are delighted.  The scenery is just as beautiful as I remember from our short visit in 1999: mountains of various heights in the background, rolling green hills in the foreground and an occasional house or tractor. The locals are bringing in the hay at the moment so it’s quite busy. Our itinerary is along small roads and is extremely well sign-posted. We won’t be getting lost today, unlike our recent experience in Italy. […]

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