8 comment(s) for "Cycling along the Loir – Vendôme to Lavardin: troglydytes and murals":

  1. I’m exhausted. So much to take in. I wonder what it is like to live in a troglodyte house.
    Upkeep, heating, lighting. At what time is your sun setting? The sky looked very bright.

  2. The castle ruins are a delightful sight among these shots. Beautifully photographed!

  3. That church at Villiers looks jolly interesting.

    I wonder how much of a connection to Ronsard the priory you mention has? It was not where he lived, worked or died (that’s the Prieuré de Saint Cosme in La Riche near Tours). Although he did move around a bit in the course of his official duties…

  4. karlfest

    Beautiful shots.

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