14 comment(s) for "A Walk from Chambon to Molinleuf – 6 kilometers of surprises":

  1. That is a marvelous scenic walk!

  2. I love the recycled corrugated iron horse!

  3. mm

    love your insights on all your blog entries thank you for giving me so much enjoyment of your part of france

  4. You are quite right that you packed a lot into 6km. I love that French habit of walking on rest days. #AllAboutFrance

  5. Nov 1st was a fabulous day for a walk. We also took advantage of it down here in SW France to do the same thing. You clearly saw many interesting things on your walk. I love the horses! #AllAboutFrance

  6. what a beautiful country walk! Thanks so much for sharing your photos.

  7. What a lovely autumnal walk and so very different to any walk I could take around my area. I love the key on the locksmith’s building and the horse sculpture. Thanks for linking to #AllAboutFrance

  8. Such a variety of surprises. It could be a walk to capture in each season.

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