11 comment(s) for "Friday's French - châtaigne, chestnut, marron, brun, brown":

  1. I would think a chien brun would be correct for a brown dog.

  2. I agree with William that dogs and horses are going to be brun/brune. Cars are probably marron. I’m guessing it’s something you just have to learn by rote. However equestrians would be outraged. They don’t talk about brown horses in English, and likewise in French there’s about 50 gazillion different terms for horse coat colours :-). Bay is bai, chestnut is alezan, dun is brun-grisâtre and so on. The ‘and so on’ is to get me out of looking up coat colours in English and then working out what they are in French :-))

  3. Rosemary Kneipp

    @William and Susan – Well, it seems it’s a “chien marron” and not “brun” though Jean Michel spontaneously said “un chien roux” which I thought was amusing. Ordinary people like me talk about “brown horses” 🙂 but I agree it’s not a good example. I like the fact that chestut is alézan. I checked the etymology – al-hisân (horsee) ou encoreor maybe al-hasan (beautiful).
    You’d definitely say “une voiture marron”.

  4. Lesley

    My dog is a (sort of) English Setter and is white with Lemon bits – in english and I think french. A darker colour would be Liver in english and perhaps Marron in french.
    Beautiful in either language.

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