16 comment(s) for "Friday's French - galette, galet, shingles, gâteau, cake, pancakes, crepes, biscuits":

  1. Just make sure you don’t reward the dogs for barking rather than teaching them to stop.

  2. I don’t think galet or galette is used in Canadian French.

  3. I’d love to taste the ‘galette des rois’.
    January 6th goes unnoticed here.

  4. Lesley

    Your tiramisu sweet sponge lady fingers are also Boudoirs on the packet bought here in France. I’ve just looked at the plastic box of what I’d call dog bicuits and Gamm vert have them as Récompense Education & Plaisir. The Dog does not mind what they are called.

  5. That’s a really fun post about la galette des Rois! isn’t it a great tradition in France – so many traditions here are celebrated food!

  6. I’ve always found the use of the word “cake” here funny, especially the way it’s pronounced as “kek”, and a cake aux olives or the like is so often terribly disappointing, unlike the divine galette des rois! I love January and the excuse to carry on indulging in buttery pastry when other countries are “detoxing” and eating soup! Thanks for sorting out all these different definitions (another one for dogs is “croquettes pour chiens”), and thanks for linking to #AllAboutFrance. Bonne année Rosemary!

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