12 comment(s) for "French-Style Primaries":

  1. It sounds very complicated.

  2. Following closely. As you say, the next two weeks will be decisive.

  3. My guess is that young Macron will get in. He has been given a remarkable opportunity, which I think is more luck than his political astuteness. With Fillon out and the other two candidates representing the extremes, he can glide through charming all and sundry and never really revealing any policies. To be fair to him though, he has indicated that he is pro-Europe and has praised Angela Merkel for allowing refugees in, which he need not have said, and will not win him many votes at the moment.

    A Le Pen win will be really frightening, and she and her team are machiavellian enough to do it this time. Macron will really have to watch his step. Hamon is the best candidate I think, but will France take the lessons given by Brexit and Trump and vote for him? Sadly, I suspect not. Fillon of course is a gonner.

  4. Thanks for explaining the French voting system in layman’s terms. It will be interesting to see what Fillon decides to do.

  5. This is certainly an interesting moment in French politics. I hope that all goes well or we’ll have nowhere to escape from the mess that is the American government at the moment. #AllAboutFrance

  6. I hadn’t realized that it cost money to participate in the primaries! Interesting. The whole primaries idea seems to have changed the way that presidential elections happen in France, but the recent news is surely having an even greater impact. We shall see what happens in April and May!

  7. Lesley

    As immigrants to France – from the UK – we have no vote (other than for our village council) so we watch with bated breath who gets elected and more importantly why!

  8. Janet

    Merci de noter cette précision :

    contrairement à la première affirmation de l’article ci-dessus, les primaires 2012 du parti socialiste français étaient ouvertes à ” toute personne inscrite sur les listes électorales s’engageant, sur signature, à respecter ses valeurs et participant aux frais d’organisation à hauteur d’un euro “.
    Il n’était donc pas nécessaire d’être membre de ce parti.

    Bien à vous.

    Il est néanmoins exact que les autres partis en présence ont procédé en interne à la désignation de leur candidat.

  9. What with the unexpected outcomes of the referendum in UK and election in USA, Le Pen is now a real threat and it’s a scary time to be living here….Thanks for explaining this complicated business relatively simply and fingers crossed France doesn’t go down the far right route….Thanks for linking to #AllAboutFrance

  10. Voting is everyone’s right. One must vote wisely.

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