11 comment(s) for "Why must birth certificates in France be less than 3 months old?":

  1. Interesting. It makes sense to ask for a recent copy if every change in civil status is recorded on the birth certificate itself. These are curiosities that you will only find out if you live in that country.

  2. That sounds like a headache.

  3. Nicholas Russell

    France is a little like the USA. It is the United States of France, same laws, interpreted differently by different prefectures. They do this with many formalities and records, and obviously are doing it with CDS, rightly or wrongly.
    Nicholas Russell.

  4. Victoria

    Thank you so much for this post and the tips to submit birth certificates. Me and my mother having been tearing our hair out trying to understand how to get a birth certificate for my father with his death on it so that we can sort out the pension paperwork. People answering our emails have simply stated they need a birth certificate, but not why, or if we can get away without having annotations. This has taken a huge weight off our shoulders, and hopefully they will accept your très belle phrase…

  5. Sarah

    Thanks so much for the link to the service-public page, here’s hoping it works.
    It’s clear for marriage certificates but they neglected to copy and paste the same line below, so fingers crossed we’ll be convincing enough to the fonctionnaire in front of us…

  6. Lisa A

    Thank you for this! I recently applied for dual citizenship to France as my mother is born there and I am an American.
    They sent me back : need originals of mothers marriage cert, birth cert and translation in French. The 3 month old birth does not have her marriage on there so I feel I am at a loss.

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