14 comment(s) for "The Secret of Coffee in France":

  1. Madeleine

    Hey there! Great post, I just wanted to add the cafe Yves Saint Laurent to the list as it’s run by a REAL barista and is so far the only place in Paris i have found a real flat white. Located just behind the YSL store rive droit on Rue Saint Honoré.

    An Aussie in Paris xx

  2. Kate O’Brien

    Keys & Co in Caen, Normandy (run by NZers) do a perfect flat white. Definitely not to miss! https://www.facebook.com/keyscoffeeco

  3. Anne maree

    Cafe bazar- Arles.
    Lucy makes a good flat white!

  4. Nic

    Don’t forget;

    51 Galerie de Montpensier,
    Palais Royal

    Aussie trained baristas, who make flat whites. Try the cakes at Madame’s’ atelier next door.

  5. Holly Jennings

    Thanks for the, as usual, enlightening look into food and French culture. I’ve often wondered why the preparation of coffee often seems to be an afterthought, especially considering how much good flavours are savoured by the French. Thanks very much for the coffee shop tips, and to the your readers who offered up their favorites. We’ll be checking them out!

  6. I think I might have seen that cappuccino photo on your Instagram? It’s hilarious. I guess the Normandy style coffee might be like a Vienna coffee but with rubbish coffee obviously. To be fair though, Normandy cream would make almost anything taste better. Most of Central Europe has pretty great Australian style coffee. I don’t know why it’s so late to take off in France and Italy.

  7. Jeremy Billingham

    I travel throughout France and often check to see if there is a decent coffee available near my destination, alas im almost always disappointed. I now live approximately 12 miles from Annecy and I now have to make a 24 mile round-trip to get a decent coffee. BUMES in Annecy is excellent, could you please add to your list.

  8. Gerri Savage

    Just discovered Grounded in Paris XI. It’s a vegan brunch spot, but their cappuccino was the closest I’ve found to an Italian or Australian one. Made with oat milk, might not be to everyone’s taste – but I’m used to alternative milks and didn’t even notice…

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