15 comment(s) for "Who's Kevin Rudd?":

  1. Was he once Prime Minister??

  2. I wish I didn’t know who Kevin Rudd was! I miss France so much. I want to live there too

  3. Ha ha, love it! I feel much the same way, having now lived in the UK for longer than I lived in Melbourne, but still carrying an Australian passport…

  4. Jill

    Wish I had your problem Fraussie :)…to have lived in France so long ..not sure of the oz currency,nor familiar with a prior Prime Minister. Big day in Australian politics tomorrow 🙂
    Cheers Jill

  5. elisab-otz

    Difficile de vivre dans un hĂ©misphĂšre et de suivre ce qui se passe dans l’autre, mĂȘme si vous ĂȘtes toujours australienne ! Il est suffisamment difficile de suivre l’actualitĂ© politique française me semble-t-il… Au fait, je reprends confiance dans mon anglais mais pas suffisamment pour m’aventurer Ă  rĂ©pondre dans cette langue. Un jour, peut-ĂȘtre…

  6. Is this the same Kevin Rudd who was in Paris announcing new educational links between France and Australia ?
    A closer partnership in the pursuit of knowledge

  7. Great story about the barbie, the beer, and Kevin Rudd in Queensland! I miss Australia in many ways, but never the Labour ‘backroom’ politics.

    Cheers to a great country.

  8. Maple Leaf

    I always feel a bit foreign when I go back to Canada. When I was in the UK it was hard to explain to people that I was Canadian but kind of French too and I found myself comparing life in the UK to life in France. I never realy lived in Canada as an adult so it’s hard to compare anything with it.

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