6 comment(s) for "Roland Garros 2012 - Back in Paris with a "Grand Slam"! - Père Lachaise Cemetary and Brocante - Travelling Alone. Solo Travel. What you need to know.":

  1. Thanks for including my blog in your weekly round up. As always I loved reading MKs post. I love the chatty way she writes – not to mention jumping out of plane and going to the tennis.

  2. Thanks for including Travelling Solo in Aussie in France. Much appreciated 🙂

  3. What a treat to wake up this morning and discover that my Roland Garros post was included in your Wednesday roundup. Thank you! I have to admit that I wish that I would have thought of doing a weekly roundup because it’s always interesting to learn about new blogs and to see what other bloggers are writing about.

    Thanks again!

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