6 comment(s) for "Sans Keys Again!":

  1. I used to have a spare key to my car fitted in a magnetic box underneath it but it is now empty as I’ve had to use it!

    Nice photo’s by the way.

  2. Lyn

    Your roses are stunning, I wish I could grow rees like that.

  3. Fraussie

    You have the sun, we have the roses! Though this week is very promising weather-wise.

  4. cbaarch

    Bounced to your blog via Mary Kay’s link. Been following for a while looking for places to explore on our visits to Paris.
    Couldn’t help commenting about the raspberries. We were given plants a few years ago and had the same sad face the first year. Found out that the stems only produce fruit in the second year; once they have delivered their bounty they dry up and get cut off . The new stems remain to bear fruit in their second year.

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