13 comment(s) for "Aussie in France wins Expat Blog Honour Award!":

  1. I’m very happy to have discovered your informative blog. I’m always fascinated by blog stats — ours are significantly different to yours. Our biggest readership by far is from the US, and the most popular post, by a long way, is ‘Snakes in France’. It’s often a surprise what posts will generate the most comments. Something I thought no one would be that interested in turns out to kindle a real online discussion, whilst other posts that I put my heart and soul into have resulted in complete silence from the readers. Mostly we just chug along in the middle though, with a few comments most days.

  2. Congrats! Glad to see you’re doing so well with your blog. 🙂

  3. Congrats!! That is great!

  4. Françoise

    Bravo ! C’est super !
    Congratulations and happy to share with you some events that you write in your post …and to read your blog so interesting !

  5. Jill

    A big congrats, Fraussie!!! Well done, and thank you so much for the effort you go to in sharing your french life 🙂 Jill

  6. Fraussie

    Thank you Jill!

  7. Congratulations Fraussie on your award. Well and truly deserved. Not only have done well with your blog but you also actively support and encourage so many other bloggers and expats. Thank you for all you put in to your posts and your support.

  8. Fraussie

    Thank you, Femme Francophile. You have taught me a lot about blogging! And I’ve downloaded Evernotes Food. Just have to go out to dinner now!

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