7 comment(s) for "SAD No Longer":

  1. Pleased to hear that you are now steaming ahead through life again.

  2. This is truly wonderful news. I know when I was really down when I was in France earlier last year I greatly appreciated your kindness and support. It is not easy to admit that sometimes we are doing it ‘tough’. Bises.

  3. Redfern

    It’s looking beautiful, and it appears to be therapeutic as well.

  4. Misti Walsworth

    Once regarded skeptically by the experts, seasonal affective disorder, SAD for short, is now well established. Epidemiological studies estimate that its prevalence in the adult population ranges from 1.4 percent (Florida) to 9.7 percent (New Hampshire). Researchers have noted a similarity between SAD symptoms and seasonal changes in other mammals, particularly those that sensibly pass the dark winter hibernating in a warm hole. Animals have brain circuits that sense day length and control the timing of seasonal behavior..;,*

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