10 comment(s) for "Monday's Travel Photos - Paris in the snow":

  1. Love the photos! In Australia I said over and over that I didn’t miss snow, or winter … but being in Paris these past few days has been wonderful.

    Cheers and stay warm 🙂

  2. The snow bear is fun. Did someone make it or is it a happy accident?

  3. Fraussie….thank you SOO much for sharing these photos…I long to be in Paris when it snows..but a little tricky to organise! Missed it by 4 days a few years back… love these shots 🙂 Bet Place Collette is looking a tad chilli

  4. Jane’s cousin

    How absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing the photos. It is difficult to imagine the cold though as we melt in the heat and humidity here (North Queensland). I have never been in snow. The closest I have ever been was to see it from a train window but we were unable to leave the train to actually feel it. In New Zealand recently we could see it on the tops of the distant mountains as we drove from Christchurch to Dunedin.

  5. Jane’s cousins friend

    Your photos are so beautiful. You are so lucky to live in such a beautiful city.

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