8 comment(s) for "Fabulous Gaudi Interiors - Casa Batllo":

  1. I’ve really enjoyed your Gaudi series, especially the interiors. Lovely, and a remarkable legacy for the city.

  2. Jane’s cousin

    I have mixed reactions to these photos you have been sharing, occasionally I feel it’s just too much but mostly I feel uplifted and awestruck by the playfulness of the forms and decorations which bely the underlying functions. How wonderful that there were those families who could take the risk commissioning Gaudi’s visions!

  3. oh my – this is so beautiful and fantastic! It would be like living in a surrealist film. I love the waves in the wood – especially in the first picture at the bottom of the staircase. So gorgeous!

  4. Fabulous Gaudi Interiors – Casa Batllo http://t.co/lf68YshTTq via @aussiefrance

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