12 comment(s) for "Spring and Sunglasses":

  1. Spring and Sunglasses http://t.co/QjibMZyNLg

  2. Better to lose your sunnies than your car keys, which is what I seem to have done in the last couple of days — can’t find the wretched things anywhere. As for sunglasses, my current pair cost 15 € at Auchan or Leclerc and are Hello Kitty brand (rather embarrassing, but hopefully the logo is discreet enough that no one will notice…)

  3. Don’t talk about it!, In the past I have always bought $20 glasses because I tend not to look after them very well….drop, scratch etc, but after Xmas this year, when the sales were on, I got it my head to buy a ‘quality’ pair of sunnies. I tried on soooo many, desperate to make the right decision,, ending up with a pair of Ralph Laren’s. got out to car, grabbed the oldies to get rid of…….but on closer inspection I had chosen EXACTLY the same style as my cheapies!!!!! Nooooo. I must admit, the vision is better thru the new ones…..which I guess is some consolation 😉

  4. Rosemary Kneipp

    Oh, Jill, that is so funny but it certainly speaks in favour of no-brand sunglasses! I hope you haven’t lost or scratched them yet. I forgot to mention the scratching. Jean Michel’s are always in mint condition, despite the fact that he’s had them for years while mine get riddled with scratches.

  5. @institut_curie J’adore votre vente de jonquilles annuelle! http://t.co/8fq97p45gg

  6. You’ve stumbled upon the secret, actually… Buy expensive sunglasses! If its going to hurt when you loose them, you make extra sure not to! You’ll do like you already do for your cycling glasses and take the ten seconds necessary to put them away every time you take them off.
    Which means, of course, you have to have a dedicate place to put them away.
    Same rules apply to gloves, but they’re useless if you accidentally grab two gloves of the same hand as you head out for the day, like I did last week.

  7. Ha – I have the opposite problem – I lose a pair momentarily and the buy new ones and the old ones show back up. I currently have 4 different pairs of sunglasses sitting in my kitchen. At least I’ve got back ups! AND le sigh…I’m with you on the weather – it’s time for SUN!

  8. Your missing sunglasses [and anyone else’s and those socks, keys, whatever..] slide inconveniently through those little cracks into a parallel universe…
    where another you [or me] finds them… and, not recognising them, wonders!!

    When we were unpacking some of our boxes on moving here, we found a pair of size 13 white plimsolls with green edging….
    not only did we not recognise them, our combined shoe sizes come to just a couple of sizes more…
    and then there’s the keys that neither of us recognise and don’t fit anything here…
    strange old multiverse!!

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