11 comment(s) for "Monday's Travel Photos - Spring Flowers in France":

  1. The bellflowers are Spanish Bluebell Hyacinthoides hispanica, or their hybrid with the native species H. x massartiana.

    The unknown shrub is a Guelder Rose (aka Snowball Bush) Viburnum opulus.

    The white ‘daisies’ are Greater Stitchwort Stellaria holostea (in the same family as carnations, and not a daisy).

    The yellow daisies are not Speedwell/Veronica and Speedwell/Veronica is not a bulb. I’m not sure what the yellow daisies are. Speedwells are usually blue (sometimes pink or white) and have 4 petals.

  2. Jill

    So pretty. The ornamental broom looks like a field of exotic butterflies. I haven’t seen that plant before.

  3. Barball

    Blois is looking like you have always lived there – so pretty. I think your shrub is a viburnum – or more commonly known in Australia as a snowball tree – closest we get to it in most places.

  4. hi there, the shrub is
    a viburnum….snowball tree regards bev from melbourne

  5. Jane’s cousins friend

    They look so beautiful, we were too early for the spring flowers.

    I had a beautiful Wisteria at my home in Toowoomba – I still miss it and my fire in the cold winter evenings.

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