10 comment(s) for "A Therapeutic Ride along the Marne":

  1. Good luck to Black Cat and a hug to you. Expats beget expats. The children of expats know it can be done, and have the support of their parents, who recognise, as you say in the post, that they did it too.

  2. Barb

    I know the pain and I do empathise. My daughter moved to NY last January. We rovers make rovers – and young people with stars in their eyes make New York. Best wishes, B

  3. Rosemary Kneipp

    You’re perfectly right Barb! Maybe we’ll meet in NY one day visiting our daughters!

  4. Jane’s cousins friend

    I hope everything goes well for Black Cat in New York. The world is her oyster, a new place for you to visit now. Lyn

  5. butcherbird

    Never mind dear friend, Black Cat will have many adventures to share with you …. as well as a new place for you to visit and explore in the future. My best regards to her too!

  6. […] the other side, we continue to Saint-Dye-sur-Loire and on to Chambord, 12 km away, noticing how different the vegetation is from the last time we were […]

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