6 comment(s) for "Monday's Travel Photos - the unexpected in Germany":

  1. It’s good to see that all the things I am reading about how Germany is embracing solar appear to be true. Germany has ideal conditions for solar power — lots of sun but not too much heat (which causes the panels to be less efficient). Also all those abandoned cold war military bases can be put to good use with solar arrays installed (plus they are turning out to be excellent nature reserves).

  2. Rosemary Kneipp

    Well, when you consider the building laws in France, it’s surprising that they are allowing even “discreet” solar panels in some places. We can’t even choose the façade of our barn to fit in with the rest of our buildings because we are within a certain distance of a château yet there is a new house next door! I don’t know what they’d say about solar panels. When we go to the see the “architecte des monuments historiques” I’ll ask him just out of curiosity.
    It was in Hungary that we saw fields and fields of wind turbines. In fact, when we stopped at a nearby service station, I had never been in a such as windy place.
    I would have thought that the wind turbines destroyed the habitat though.

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