6 comment(s) for "Friday's French - au revoir and salut":

  1. I’ve noticed just recently that certain people have started saying ‘salut’ to me. I presume it’s a product of having been here a while now and they are relaxed with me. I always forget that I can use it with them though.

  2. Pat in Toulouse

    It has recently been pointed out to me that my family keeps saying “coucou” for hello. So I’ve been watching out for it and yes, indeed, we “coucou” each other all the time. When coming home (“coucou tout le monde”), when meeting each other in the kitchen in the morning (to my daughter: “coucou, ma chérie, tu as bien dormi?”), when meeting friends at the market (“ah, coucou! ça va?”), on the phone, by sms and also by e-mail… I don’t know if this a regional or general trend or if it’s just us. Our friends here say it too.

  3. Portlandia

    In fact the Hail Mary is “Je vous salue, Maire” – much prettier than Salut Maire! 😉

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