22 comment(s) for "Pickpockets on the train from Charles de Gaulle Airport":

  1. This is why you don’t give money to beggars and buskers too — it reveals where you are keeping your wallet. And always wear your handbag at the front on a long strap across your body from one shoulder to the opposite hip, ideally holding it with one hand too.

  2. Wow, that was close…I don’t think we had any near misses…although we wouldn’t really know would we….?! What I do know is that I kept my bag wrapped across myself and hung on as well… can never be too careful!

  3. David Leigh Shearer

    The ONLY time I have been pickpocketed in my life, anywhere in the world, was in Paris on the metro stop at Trocodero. Coming up the escalator one man stopped in front of me and another pushed from behind to make me fall over. They grabbed my wallet out of my pants pocket while I had on a very long heavy coat. When I got to the top of the Escalator a gypsy holding a baby gave me my wallet back minus the cash asking if I was planning to call the police. I did get my credit card, ID and subway tickets back in the wallet. It was a very well organized theft.

  4. jan

    thanks for the heads up! it’s nice to know that ‘we all make mistakes’. it’s easy to do and because it’s so random easy to let your guard down – sometimes more so on ‘home territory’

  5. Rosemary Kneipp

    Yes, it was our first time, so you do have to be careful.

  6. Yikes! Yeah, just a couple of weeks ago on the way up to Montmarte we had an incident. There were all the guys on the street doing magic tricks…one after the other, and they had the street quite crowded and as we were walking my Father literally had to pull a man’s hand out of his pocket. Clearly, the shows were set up to create the crowd and the distraction. Glad that y’all noticed and got everything home with you!

  7. Rosemary Kneipp

    Yes, that sounds like Naples! Up until now the only time I’ve had pickpocket problems in France was when I was walking along Rue de Rivoli with an Australian friend, speaking English. This guy tried to grab my bag but I yelled at him in French and pulled it away. Now, when I’m speaking English in the centre of Paris, I’m extra careful, but I realise that I’ll have to pay attention even when speaking to Jean Michel in French now!

  8. Kliment Nenov

    This summer in Paris I’ve noticed two well-known (for me and most Bulgarians) and trivial scams:
    – A woman/man surprisingly founds “a golden ring” (the ring is not golden) on the ground in front of you and tries to sell it to you at “special price”.
    – A group of women (mostly Bulgarian and Romanian gypsies) pretend to be deaf (they are not deaf) collecting signatures and money as “a donation”. The trick is when you sign their fake petition (sheet with signatures). Your whole attention is occupied by this and it is very easy to rob you.

  9. Jane’s cousins friend

    One of our group fell prey to the ‘sign a petition and give a donation scam, they had taken her cash so quickly it was unbelievable. Luckily we were able to report it to the police and she got it back on insurance but it made us all more careful. Even then in a market in Tarascon, Provence, I had my wallet stolen from a shoulder handbag which was across the front of my body, I think the stall holder created a diversion, and I had just put my wallet back into my bag and then went to get it out again (to check how much I had left) and it was gone. I didn’t feel a thing. Luckily, there was only a couple of euros left in it but it still leaves you feeling a bit shocked.

  10. Lyn Gardner

    This almost happened to me when visiting the Eiffel Tower! I was stalked by a couple of women & they kept asking me questions – because I am an Aussie & a little naive, I kept being engaged but did keep hold of my handbag. Fortunately, our tour guide was on to them & managed to disengage me & warn me. Two others from the tour were not so lucky! I felt on edge the whole time I was in Paris and also in Rome where the gypsies were rife!

  11. Pamela

    Dear Rosemary
    Thank you for this good advice. All very scary but important to know about! I always wear an across the body bag and if there are people close-by fold my hands firmly across the bag in front of me. Also I always try to avoid crowds, if possible will walk around a crowd rather than through it or even change direction to avoid. Know lots of people who’ve been pick pocketed in crowds. Have also seen the petition people near the Palais Royal but thank goodness have always avoided them and refused to sign. Last time I stayed in a hotel at St Sulpice and there was an older woman who regularly accosted me for money as I walked across the square. The last time she did this really aggressively and I was quite rude in response, telling her to go away. She was annoyed but I just kept walking.
    Nowadays if arriving at CDG airport we pre-book transport (through our hotel or landlord if renting a flat). It’s a lot more expensive than taking the train but with bags it’s much easier, eg Chatelet metro (the closest to the apartment we normally stay in) is a nightmare with bags – the correspondences are so long and there are so many stairs, escalators and walkways (which often don’t work anyway) – and we avoid the risk of being robbed which could set us back a lot more than the transfer cost.
    I’m curious, was it a real baby that the thieves threw at Jean Michel or a doll wrapped up? Have heard it’s usually a doll.
    The only place to date where I’ve had a close shave was in Italy, on a bus in Rome. We’d been warned to be careful but weren’t sure if we were on the right line so my husband checked with a man standing near us. I was distracted, listening when suddenly I felt there was something wrong and discovered that the well dressed man on the step above had his hand deep into the bottom of my bag, fishing for my wallet. I couldn’t think of the Italian word for thief (ladro) so just yelled “hey” at him and chopped down on his wrist and then kicked him in the shins. My husband turned in time to see me attacking a strange man and asked “what do you think you’re doing?” We got off at the next stop and I explained, by then my anger had evaporated and my knees were shaking. Luckily we didn’t lose anything. But no more buses after that. We either walked or took taxis. best wishes, Pamela

  12. Augh, pickpockets! I am so glad nothing was taken. I had read quite a bit lately on crime on the RER from (at to) Charles de Gaulle. Very good advice about not having your cell phone out either!

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