17 comment(s) for "Friday's French - chevreuil, biche & deer":

  1. Complicated isn’t it? I would sum it up as: really big deer (American elk, moose) are bull and cow; big deer (red) are stag (cerf) and hind (biche); small deer (fallow, roe) are buck and doe. The only red and fallow deer you will see here are captive (farms or deer parks) although they would once have roamed freely as wild animals. Roe deer are common in the wild (too common, in fact, and need culling). Hart is an old fashioned word for stag that you won’t really find used these days.

  2. PS have you ever been to witness the rut? Several of the estates in the area advertise it as an event. I’ve never been but it would be interesting.

  3. Conrad

    This is the link to our version of chevreuil – which we call white tail deer. (western Canada). http://www.flickr.com/photos/cbaarch/sets/72157632378373062/
    What we have discovered is that they will not eat any plants that produce a purple/violet flower and evergreens with sharp foliage such as Juniper.

  4. […] Chambord, being a hunting lodge, boasts a very large number of antlers! […]

  5. […] and neighbour Françoise Courtet this morning from her bedroom window with her iPhone. The deer was then joined by two others. Since they are very timorous it’s difficult to get any […]

  6. Stephen Young

    I don’t know what part of France you live in but ,here in Le Brenne we have thousands of Red Deer roaming wild. Many of the shooting estates have fenced in hunting reserves but these are many hectares in area!

  7. D

    What is the female equivalent of faon?

  8. Red deer’s are the most magnificent animal of the french forests. I’m not a pro type hunter but last summer I luckily hunt a foan, and I was very happy.

    Thanks for sharing your post.

  9. Per Wichmand

    is it true that a buck is called brocard after passing his one year birthday?

    This means that all bucks are mentioned brocard. Is it so or not.

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