15 comment(s) for "A Laundry in a French House No Less! #1":

  1. Waiting with bated breathe!
    Such a shame we have all missed out on the tulips in the Chateau de Cheverny.

  2. butcherbird

    You are right, I can’t wait for the next episode! You are having so much ‘fun’ with your renovations and I’m glad that I get to enjoy them in the final product.

  3. What a lot of work, a lot of it that important unseen graft which ensures a good, secure , lasting job.

    I like the term ‘percussion drill’, in the UK it is a more ordinary sounding hammer drill.

    Looking forward to the next episode… perhaps a pic of you in your throw away overalls ;o)

  4. Yuk. I don’t envy you one bit, having been through similar myself. Well done on getting through it and now it’s done it will all be so much better than before. The single most disgusting job we did in our house was taking down the ceiling above our office, which was holding up a decades old rats’ nest.

  5. Wow! This is such an undertaking – y’all are certainly learning a lot, I can’t even imagine. Things are looking great though! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Wonderful Jean Michel is so handy. Just reading about all of his efforts with the ceiling and then, the wall, I felt overdue for a teatime of my own!

  7. […] in Paris this week, trying to recover from our renovation stint! A favourite cousin came through Paris so we spent a delightful afternoon catching up in the […]

  8. Excellent. Absolutely loved reading and very helpful at the same time ๐Ÿ™‚

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