10 comment(s) for "Three Tonnes of Freestone":

  1. karlfest

    Lovely article. My respect for JM’s skill grows even higher with this very serious large scale building project, stones no less. I am in awe of his abilities.

    Cheers From Redfern.

  2. What a wonderful post to read, starting with the wisteria and ending with such a tranquil sunset. So much accomplished.

  3. What a lovely story. Hooray for farmer dad and his tractor!

    Epine goes well with melon I seem to remember. Lots of people around here make it.

    Now you’ve added ‘freestone’ to your vocab you will need ‘ashlar’ or ‘ashlar cut’ too 🙂

  4. That is a whole lot of work. The look of the wisteria certainly is pleasing!

  5. Rosemary Kneipp

    We love that wisteria and can’t thank the previous owners enough for having the foresight to plant it 23 years ago!

  6. […] outside of the new kitchen window is finally finished and we are taking a well-deserved 3-day cycling holiday. We’ve chosen Poitevin […]

  7. […] me. It’s tender shoots are used to make the liqueur that we tasted when we bought our three tonnes of free stone. “The berries are very bitter”, he tells me. He doesn’t taste […]

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