11 comment(s) for "Little Bo Tweep":

  1. I love instagram. I use it all the time when I’m out and about. I’m destinationeu if you want to follow me there.

    Regarding #FF. I believe it stands for Follow Friday which is sometimes tweeted as #FollowFriday. It has the same meaning as you said though.

    I friend of mine suggested getting Viber but what’s the difference between that and Skype?

  2. Phoebe

    gosh it’s all so confusing but you’re enlightening me well! Learning what everything stands for is going to take time but it’s fun. I’m obviously still the “lowest of the low” but hopefully I’ll pick up a few more followers soon and rise in the ranks….or at least I very much hope I do!!! Keep the tips coming.

  3. If you’re looking to pick up followers it helps to participate in Twitter events like #TTOT (Travel Talk on Twitter) on Tuesdays, #BeachThursday on Thursdays, and #FriFotos on Fridays, of course! There are other events too like #TNI, #NUTS and there are some expat ones.

  4. Fraussie

    Oh thank you Andrea, I’ll certainly follow them up!

  5. Jill

    Holy cow, Fraussie!! You are soooo up to date with technology and putting me to shame! My 21 year old daughter was laughing quietly yesterday as I was texting someone…on asking what was so funny, she replied…’I cant believe you still use that old phone..I can HEAR you texting…NO ONE hears texting anymore! ‘ So, if someone who doesnt tweet much is …the lowest of the low scale…what do you call someone who doesnt do it at all????????? Very stagnant I think! I have to get with it!!! Really appreciating these posts 🙂 Jill

  6. Maple Leaf

    I don’t use Twitter so maybe that makes me a dweeb instead of a tweep! I loved this post despite my complete ignorance regarding the subject. I read it to my husband who uses Twitter and he thought it was well-written and funny!

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