6 comment(s) for "Voting for a New President":

  1. I’m about to tackle bureaucracy and become – hopefully – a French citizen so I can vote in the next Presidential elections. Wish me luck!

  2. Bonny

    Fraussie, thanks for the interesting details of French voting procedures. Is this procedure for ordinary elections as well as presidential elections? As we go to local government elections tomorrow in QLD, it will be a little less involved – front up to the person behind the table, give your name – no ID, just your address, they find you in the electoral roll and cross you out. You receive the ballot paper, fill it out and place in the ballot box. I wonder how long it will be before we will need ID and signatures when voting!

  3. […] January, which is the cut-off date for the place in which you vote for the coming year. Last time, we voted in Paris. Our polling station  is n° 408 which we learnt from our new voting cards which we only received […]

  4. […] first time I voted in the French presidential elections in 2007, there were no primaries. In 2012, the main parties held their own primaries but it was an internal vote and you had to be a party […]

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