13 comment(s) for "Devonshire Tea en français in Queensland and Seafood at the Regatta in NSW":

  1. Yep, blogging’s been very good to us. Some amazing people emerge from the blogosphere to make contact. It’s lovely, and we’ve never had a nutter 🙂

  2. Françoise Courtet

    Ne sois pas triste, tu vas nous retrouver en France …..
    Et merci pour ton blog , c est une évasion, une source de bonheur et une joie positive sur tous les sujets que tu abordes

  3. Barb Hall

    Awww – but the pleasure is all ours. Thank you again for your blog and the delightfully quirky take on life in Paris. We may not have got to meet in Paris, but I was, thanks to you, the recipient of a most wonderful private Paris Muse of the Orangerie. Glad you are finding a little to eat. Barb

  4. Jill

    My goodness, that seafood platter looks delicious! I am relatively new to blogging . Generally speaking, I tend to browse frenchy blogs, without commenting…but I am so glad I did on your blog, Fraussie.. otherwise I wouldnt have had the wonderful experience of meeting up in Paris..and finding, even though we hardly knew each other, that we hit it off very well. It was a very special treat to have you and Relationnel in our australian home. From now on I am going to be more actively involved on blogs and hopefully I am not classed as a nutter! 🙂 Jill

  5. Lyn

    I totally agree with Françoise’ comments. Tres agréable

  6. Caitlin

    Ahh I dream of living your life one day, Fraussie!

    Ive been reading your blog for awhile and am sooo insanely jealous. Im 21 & live on the Sunshine Coast with my French boyfriend (nearly defacto hopefullly) and cannot wait to live in France one day.. I went to France for a month last December (a week in Paris and three in Lyon) and I’ve had a bad case of what I can only describe as homesickness ever since!

    Hope your Aussie trip is going well!


    (Im just about to finish up my French for Beginners course… Im hooked!)

  7. Maple Leaf

    Wow those seafood platters are something else! I’m glad you are enjoying your time so much. Jill’s Devonshire Tea looks delicious and I love the tea cups.

  8. […] to Eat and DrinkPlaces to StayRecipesWinePlaces to Buy ThingsGîte Loire ValleyContact ← Devonshire Tea en français in Queensland and Seafood at the Regatta in NSW Cheung Chau – another outlying island in Hong Kong […]

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