12 comment(s) for "Christmas Blog Hop - Celebrating Christmas with the Loire Connexion":

  1. Looks like fun festivities happening in your part of France. Happy Blog-hopping!

  2. I’m part of a Christmas blog hop today. Some wonderful blogs to discover and giveaways to win! http://www.aussieinfrance.com/2012/12/christmas-blog-hop-celebrating-christmas-with-the-loire-connexion/

  3. Looks like a really fun event. You Loire Valley people know how to party for sure!

  4. Hello and nice to meet you via this great blog hop. Please add my name to the giveaway, thanks.

  5. Looks like a very relaxed, fun group of people and sounds like you and Relationnel had a lovely evening.

    The blog hop is a great idea … I’ve not heard of 99percent of the sites you’ve listed so it is going to keep me busy clicking over to read them all.

    PS – don’t include me in the giveaway, I don’t have an e-reader. 🙂

  6. Always great posts for you Fraussie, you always seem to pack so much into your life.
    Have a relaxing Christmas 🙂

  7. Fraussie

    And Evelyn is the lucky winner!

  8. […] rescheduled a couple of meetings and came on the 6th (minus his suit, shirt and cuff links for the Loire Connexion Christmas party, but with two hats). I had tracked down and booked a restaurant recommended by a friend: Le Lion […]

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