7 comment(s) for "Why Daisy Came to France":

  1. I have read about Daisy’s business venture at the Louvre. I think the concept is very clever and I wish her the very best !

  2. Jill,
    How very kind of you! I have my fingers crossed I can quit my job in lieu of THATLou soon!
    Kind regards,

    Have been missing from the internet for a few days so didn’t catch this but what a DELIGHT to see now – and what a pleasant visit we had that morning before the city woke up.
    Thank you lots.

  4. […] a short list of the places you want to see. The Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and Sainte Chapelle, the Louvre, Orsay and Orangerie Museums, the Latin Quarter, the Sacré Cœur, Montmartre and perhaps the […]

  5. […] join Daisy de Plume, who’s running the show, at the meeting point and the other participants soon arrive. I am […]

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