10 comment(s) for "Paris in August - where have all the people gone?":

  1. Those deckchairs with the canopies are amusing (but practical I guess).

  2. Interesting to read this, Rosemary. I have heard that a lot shuts down at this time.. I love visiting the music box store, I will make a purchase when we are graced with a grandie! Also at alliance the other day we had a new student, a young lady and an artist who spend a year in Le Blois, so she was very interested to hear about your new photo blog 🙂 x

  3. We have had ‘summer-like’ weather here in Sydney with our winter days reaching 23C! With less than 3 weeks till the official first day of spring I think we are in for a HOT summer too.

  4. Great article, Rosemary. I’ve never visited Paris in August but can imagine it must be a bit strange with so many locals away on holidays.
    I saw some deck chairs just like those ones in Italy recently – a great idea!
    Enjoy Blois.

  5. […] She suggests Le Comptoir des Petits Champs, just down the road from me. All I have to do is walk through the Palais Royal gardens, up rue Vivienne and left into Rue des Petits Champs. I’ve never heard of it, despite the fact that I must have walked past it hundreds of times over the past 7 years! I arrive a little ahead of Kathy around 12.30 and am pleased to see that only a couple of tables are taken. That’s because it’s still August and half of Paris is still off at the beach somewhere. […]

  6. […] will be on its way. We had hoped that waiting until Monday night to go back to Paris after the Assumption weekend would mean less traffic, but we’re not so […]

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