10 comment(s) for "Wild Mushroom and Onion Quiche":

  1. Pamela

    Rosemary, that looks so good. Can almost smell it! Have never made a quiche with fromage blanc but will certainly try it. Great you can buy such good pie crusts. Makes it so easy. I always do the Julia Child pastry, not difficult but the extra time is sometimes a disincentive to bothering. Many tks. Must go. Now I’m hungry. Pamela

  2. Femme Francophile

    I agree with Pamela about this sounding great. I have forwarded to Arch for him to cook one night. I will let you know how it goes. In terms of the pie crust, what type of Australian pastry would you suggest? Is fromage blanc available in Australia? If not, apart from cream is there any other suitable replacement? You know me…I have no idea regarding cooking.

  3. Pat in Toulouse

    I make quiche with everything, whatever is in the fridge… I’ve been known to open a tin of peas and carrots and turn the drained veggies onto a quiche crust, add some cheese, eggs, cream and milk and, voilà, quiche aux petits pois et carottes. My favourite, though, is the leftover-cheese quiche. It’s what we have a couple of days after a dinner party or any other time we have leftover cheeses that can’t really be served anymore because they don’t look very nice or start getting dry. I just cut them up onto the pie crust, add quite a lot of pepper and my egg and milk mixture and there we go.
    Or the really easy tarte à la tomate provençale: spread mustard on the pie crust, slice some comté (or emmental) in thin slices and cover the crust with them, slice up tomatoes and spread those over the cheese, sprinkle with pepper, herbes de Provence and a little olive oil, 40-45 minutes at 180°C – delicious!

  4. YUM! Looks so good and something that the husband would be very excited about…he loves all things mushrooms. 🙂

  5. Helen Rowling

    Thank you…I make a mean caramel onion pie but only go by a recipe which I have lost…I have been thinking about making an onion pie for my vego’ friends but have not got round to searching online yet…then this recipe came via email.Thank-you!

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