10 comment(s) for "Weekly Blogger Round-Up: Galette des rois - The Cake of French Kings":

  1. Pamela

    Many thanks Rosemary. Another very interesting post! Loved reading about French culinary traditions and links with French history. Must try making the Galette des Rois sometime even though it’s outside the dates and I won’t have a feve. In recipes where glace fruit are added on top, when is this done, do you know? If at the start it would probably burn. Also enjoyed the links to other bloggers. Best wishes, Pamela

  2. Thanks for the link to my galette post. My understanding is that there are two types of galette des rois. In the north they make the flaky pastry/frangipane version. In the south they make the version decorated with candied fruit. I don’t know what the base of that type is and I have never seen one here in the Touraine.

  3. Thanks for the links. It’s always interesting learning about regional variations in French traditions and cuisine. I’m not that great in the kitchen (yet…) but these look doable. Maybe next year 😉

  4. […] part of New Year throughout the country and is practised in different forms that you can read about here and […]

  5. […] part of New Year throughout the country and is practised in different forms that you can read about here and here. This is one of the reasons we love the local market so […]

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