16 comment(s) for "The Indian Visa":

  1. Oh my goodness! What a frustrating time but so worth it.
    Excitement must be in the air. Have a fabulous trip, with perfect Aussie weather.

  2. It sounds like a whole lot of red tape and headaches! Enjoy the trip when you go.

  3. You and Jean Michel are sure to have a fabulous time in India, Rosemary. No way it would balance out otherwise, with all the work you’ve had to do on this end to get there! Plus, you got to dine at a bougnat, too! (You didn’t mention, but hope the meal was tasty enough to “de-frazzle” the two of you.) Bon Voyage!

  4. I loath situations where no one can explain what I am supposed to do clearly. It is such a pain when government departments leave you to guess how to proceed and which category you fall into, with no idea of what the consequences of getting it wrong might be. Why do the people setting this up not have the wit to cover all situations and be able to create systems that enable a smooth flow of work? Aaarrgh!

  5. Lesley

    After that lot you deserve a holiday. On a serious note though, the involved paperwork, and you can get there face to face, is a nightmare. Why is this ? Does the Indian Govt. not want visitors? Do they think that you are likely to stay in the country forever?
    Next point! Le café but the fascia in the photo says P’tite Bougnate.
    Have a great time.

  6. Gosh, you certainly deserve a holiday after all that!

    Have a fabulous time – I’m sure you will. 🙂

  7. What a nightmare! I hate it when I have to go out of my way to accommodate the stupid requirements of some governments. What exactly do the Indians fear? That people from all over the world would start to barge in and settle there? Hope you at least have a good time there.

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