8 comment(s) for "Sunday's Travel Photos - Tivoli Gardens, Italy":

  1. Redfern

    I remember my mother seeing Villa D’Este on her first trip to Italy. She brought back a guide book with pictures like these.

  2. It looks like I may have to travel outside of France when I am next in Europe.

  3. Fraussie

    If I didn’t live in France, I’d live in Italy. There are so many wonderful places to visit there.

  4. Lyn

    Thanks for the lovely photos, my camera was stolen after I had visited the gardens so I don’t have any photos. Despite this hiccup, I still loved Italy.

  5. […] went to Rome in August when all the Romans flee the city, of course, to places like the Tivoli Gardens, because it’s too hot. The only way to survive was to get up early then go back to our […]

  6. […] in the room above where the inhabitants of the villa came to keep cool. It reminds me of the Tivoli Gardens near […]

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