15 comment(s) for "Appetite Suppressants Anyone? Some Natural Solutions":

  1. Jane’s cousin’s friend

    Hi Rosemary – that sounds good – I’m going to try it. I am also trying to put my knife and fork down between each mouthful and take more time and not eat in front of the TV which I do sometimes. Lyn

    P.S. I’m on the search for a bike now.

  2. Caffeine suppresses appetite, but the latest (Australian) study indicates that it only does so if taken in relatively low levels (eg 3 cups of coffee a day). Once you start ingesting more it acts the opposite way. And (ahem…) you could try the traditional French method of suppressing appetite — take up smoking 🙂

    BTW — who on earth doesn’t pause for at least 5 minutes between courses!!?? It would take me 5 minutes to serve the next course, so it happens automatically. Anyway, I thought it took 20 minutes for your body to register.

    You must come to the Saffron Fair in Preuilly in February — best way to get good quality trustworthy saffron for not too outrageous a price. Or you could grow it at Blois (buy the bulbs here in July).

    The dark chocolate thing sounds interesting, and I’m not entirely surprised to hear it works like that.

  3. Hi Aussie, long time no see. Do you remember me a freind of Mary Kay at the bloggers breakfast. I have been lurking on your blog on and off.

    How on earth do you stop at 30g of dark chaoclate? I do all these things but still have regained the weight I lost last year….but I must admit I finish the whole bar of 80% chocolate, which I love.

    So I will give it another go!

    Love denisefrombolton

  4. This makes complete sense to me, especially taking time to pause and allowing your brain to register food intake. Love this concept!

  5. Linda

    I’d be too frightened to start on the chocolate bandwagon. Looking forward to more info. thank you.

  6. […] week, I told you about Dr Saldman’s natural appetite suppressants. The second chapter is about stimulating your organism. First he talks about the importance of […]

  7. […] 20 kilos after 50 – for good – well, almost: Part 7 Where do all those extra kilos come from? Appetite suppressants anyone? Some natural solutions Intermittent fasting – for better health and less fat This entry was posted in […]

  8. […] The 96% chocolate is less bitter than I imagined but not particualrly tasty. We don’t buy that either although I’ve read that it’s an excellent appetite suppressant. […]

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