18 comment(s) for "Twitter Twitter Little Star":

  1. I’m hoping to go to more tweetups. It’s a great way to meet fellow expats and even a few Frenchies. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Fraussie

    Yes, it was great. I stayed to the end when the crowd got thinner and it was easier to talk to people.

  3. Jill

    Hi, having had my 21 year old explain tweeting to me recently …I thank you for making it understandable! ๐Ÿ™‚ Still not sure I am into it tho…Im always a few years behind when it comes to technology ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Not sure if you got my tweet but I wanted to let you know that my site is .net not .com. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I appreciate the mention though!

  5. […] Something Iโ€™m crazy about and which can certainly make life easier on holidays. Perfect for Twitter and Facebook […]

  6. I’ve just stumbled across your blog via Twitter as I too am a new tweeter and still learning the ropes! I’m also Australian (half anyway), married to a French man, now living in the south near Nice, running a gรฎte, after 10 years in Paris. I love reading about other people’s experiences that are similar and yet different to mine. I’m going to follow you on Twitter (and hope you’ll follow me back) and I lok forward to hearing more of your insights! Oh and BTW I have an aunt in Townsville!!!

  7. […] Twitter Twitter Little Star, I explained about the basic uses of Twitter, but since then, Iโ€™ve been learning lots of new […]

  8. […] you’d like to tweet about your vote, the hashtag is […]

  9. Thanks for the very understandable description of Twitter, Rosemary. I was sorry to have missed the recent Tweet-up as they’re a really good way to meet other bloggers.

  10. […] we were preparing for our holiday, I tweeted about off-the-beaten track places to visit in Barcelona and received an answer from Roser who lives […]

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